What do you get when you have two graphic designers who have no formal training and live 3,292 miles apart? Plastikcomb Magazine...Their story begins in 2020…two artists that never met start a magazine based on the great chaotic editorial publications from the past. They proceed to produce four issues without even a simple phone call, merely through emails and texts.
Aaron L. Beebe - Founder
Aaron is a design school drop out, and worked for his Uncle Sam for a good part of his life doing governmental stuff and bureaucratic things. He could never get a real job as an art director, so he started his own magazine to declare the title.
As I write this small intro about him I am still not sure how he manages to pull off some of his harebrained schemes. He has done some art according to his CV, but not sure if it truly can be classified as such. You can check out his work here, if you have a few minutes to waste.
But regardless, he made a magazine, mostly in part to his amazing Team to pick up the pieces, and to hold his hand through the process.
{ths} Thomas Schostok - Co-Founder
Known for BEAST PDF Magazine, developed in the early 2000s, which surprisingly is considered legendary by many, and guilty as far as the prosecution is concerned of being a co-founder (or follower?) of a strange dirty design style that spawned a generation of trash-style-addicted graphic designers.
{ths} spent most of his time as an artist, designer and typographer over the last two decades, developing the very products of his profession. Apart from a short stopover as a test subject for beers that can only be drunk in swimming pools (here is a serving suggestion – that's what it looked like), that's all that was relevant. The latter will go into the history books, the rest must be forgotten.
20+ years later, he wants to know again and besides all the other things he does, he works as a supporting force at Plastikcomb Magazine. Hail to the King, Baby, again!